Year Four

Lullingstone Roman Villa 

This year, Year 4 have been have been exploring a range of different art techniques including colour theory, expressionism and cubism. They have been exploring the work of Franz Marc and replicating his work within their lessons. Art is always a lesson the students love to take part in and below is a selection of some of the techniques we have been learning as well as some artwork we have produced this year.   

Franz Marc

Year 4 have ben studying German artist Franz Marc. Marc was known for his futuristic  style of painting, combining expressionism and cubism to create most of his artwork. 


Students explored expressionism and self-expression as part of their Inquiry-based learning during module three and had a go at creating their own collages that express themselves as individuals. 


More recently, students have been studying the two different types of cubism: analytical and synthetic. They have been exploring how to bring different views of subjects and objects together in the same picture, resulting in artwork that appears fragmented and abstract

Colour Theory

At the start of the year, we investigated how to mix colours to create different tones and shades. We had lots of fun learning about the different colours that complemented each other and we later used this knowledge to help paint our Roman fort.