
This Module we have had many opportunities to weave art into our inquiry; starting with looking at the seasons and the cycle of change that trees go through throughout the year. We created these trees using cut out corrugated card and various materials such as tissue paper, wool and cotton wool. 

Over the last two weeks, Reception children have been looking into how animals change over time and the life cycles that they go through. We have been lucky enough to watch caterpillars turn into butterflies in our classrooms, and have used this to inform our butterfly books. For each stage, the children drew a picture and then wrote a sentence to go with it. You can see some examples below.

We also looked closely at the lifecycle of frogs and created illustrations showing the different stages, as well as frog handprints to support our learning.

In Computing, using the Ipads, we created some digital art using a paint tool. Here are some examples of our creations including symmetrical butterflies and the butterfly lifecycle. 

Flo the Frog!

In Scotney Class the children and adults collaborated to create a large frog, which they later named FLo. They ripped small pieces of green tissue paper and layered them to create different shades of green.