Study Tips
Study Tips
1. Keep a digital or paper planner with upcoming assignment and test dates…better yet map out a semester’s worth of big assignments and tests. Prioritizing assignments and doing a little at a time instead of procrastinating until the last minute can lower stress and increase productivity.
2. Take good notes during classroom lectures. Make sure you are listening and not being distracted by your peers. Sometimes doodling on the side margins or making additional notes can be a way to focus and follow along. Sometimes writing down a quick date name or detail if you can’t write it all down, then come back later and fill in the details from memory.
3. Turn off social media while studying at home allowing you to focus on the task at hand.
4. Make flash cards, venn-diagrams, or a plot graph to arrange ideas or to study key terms, dates, theories, people, or problems.
5. Use the flashcards to study alone or with a partner.
6. Preparing several days before the full assignment is due. For an upcoming test study 20 minutes every night for several nights before the big test and a big study session the night before.
7. Study out loud either reviewing your notes or flashcards to prepare for tests or quiz. This can be helpful if you don’t have a study partner.
8. Highlighting key phrases or terms.
9. Cornell Notes: Write down important information from online material or class notes by chunking the most important similar information. To the side or near the chunking write down questions that your teacher could or will ask on the test or quiz.
10. When Studying don’t get too comfortable and don’t fall asleep.
11. Remember the end goal!
12. Reward yourself after you finish studying…donuts, social media, video games, going outside.