College Testing Information
Please note that the College Board’s SAT and the ACT are both private companies separate from the North Carolina School System.
PreACT and ACT
North Carolina School System adopted the ACT and PreACT for North Carolina State-Wide testing and now mandate that every student take the PreACT their Sophomore year in FALL and the ACT their Junior year in SPRING. Due to the ACT and PreACT being State-wide test, the cost is free for students and they do not have to register on their own (school will help facilitate this with the student).
Any student can register, pay, and take the National ACT on their own. Please register online and note costs and registration deadlines.
PreACT/ACT Accommodations
PreACT ACCOMMODATIONS for ESL/IEP/504’s are automatically given for the PreACT in October.
ACT ACCOMMODATIONS for ESL/IEP/504’s for the ACT North Carolina State-Wide Test in February will be applied for by the case manager to the ACT board. Once accommodations are applied for the case manager will be notified by the ACT board if they are approved/denied/or given partial approval. Please note that the ACT board determines their own accommodations and they may not match the students school accommodation plan. If your student plans to take the ACT National Test on their own, you will have to contact the ACT board and let them know you want to apply for accommodations. If you need help in this process please contact your counselor.
For more information about the ACT and PreACT, please click on the ACT website below:
Owen High School hosts the PSAT one time each year during the fall. Please note that space is limited due to College Board requiring Owen High order our test booklets the spring before. This is first come first serve and once seats are full, no more students are able to sign up. Announcements for sign-up are made during September Sunday messages as well as on our daily school announcements at the start of second block. Students register in the counseling office to pay and take the PSAT.
Cost for the PSAT: $18.00
A Fee Waiver is available for students who qualify for low income criteria or Free and Reduced Lunch.
Students sign-up for the SAT online at Collegeboard
If your student has questions or difficulties, please have your student come to the counseling office for help. Note that the registration process takes approximately 30-45 minutes.
Cost for the SAT: Please see College Board website as cost varies.
Fee Waivers are available for students on a first-come/first-serve basis (must qualify for low income criteria or Free and Reduced Lunch).
SAT Dates and Deadlines for 2022-2023 School Year:
There are other dates students can sign-up for the SAT given at other high schools and testing sites in the Buncombe County area; TC Robertson, AC Reynolds, and Carolina Day are typically alternative testing cites. Please see College Board website to register for the SAT. Note that if a student misses the initial deadline there is a late registration with an additional fee.
Date Deadline to sign-up Late registration ***Late fee $25
Nov. 4th Oct. 5th Oct. 24th
Dec. 2nd Nov. 2nd Nov. 21st
March 9th Feb. 23rd
May 4th April 19th
June 1st May 17th
For more information about the SAT or PSAT, please click on the College Board website below:
PSAT/SAT Accommodations
SAT/AP/PSAT ACCOMMODATIONS for ESL/IEP/504’s will need to be requested by student and legal guardian. We will not submit an accommodation request for a student unless we are notified (phone call or email are okay) by the guardian or student that you would like accommodations and when you plan to take the PSAT/SAT. A College Board request form will need to be signed by guardian and turned into school counselor. Once request form is signed and received, SAT/504 Coordinator, will submit a request for accommodations to College Board. College Board will then notify SAT/50 Coordinator if the accommodation has been approved/denied/or partially approved. Please note that the ACT board determines their own accommodations and they may not match the students school accommodation plan and that it is also not a guarantee your student’s accommodations will be approved.