Normal On-Campus School Day Attendance Policy is as follows;
You can miss up to 7 days each semester before it leads to an FF in your class and need to begin after school attendance make-up or complete a waiver with documentation.
There is a difference between excused days and waived days. Just because a day is excused does not mean it is waived. Excused days count towards the 7 allowed.
Missed days whether excused or waived still show up as missed in PowerSchool.
After School Attendance Make-Up is on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:05-5:05. After school Attendance make-up costs $5 for each 2-hour session.
Bring in notes! Notes (Parent or Dr. notes) needed to excuse days. We need appropriate documentation for days that meet criteria to be waived.
Be on time to class! Consequences for tardies.