
Information for Teachers

During eLearning days, classroom teachers will provide engaging, universally designed learning environments for students virtually using our district learning management system, itslearning. Students and teachers will not meet in the classroom or school building for typical classroom instruction, but will conduct lessons virtually. For more information on expectations, planning tips, resources, and more, view the sections below.

eLearning Day Updates 2018-19

General Information

Slideshow presentation

Grades K-12 teachers on eLearning days will conduct lessons virtually, or online, through itslearning. Beginning in the 22-23 school year, now that there are 1:1 devices in kindergarten classes, the elementary curriculum office has decided that kindergarten classes will follow the eLearning expectations as the rest of the district and send home devices. Teachers must:

  • Post lessons (objectives, resources, instructions) by 9 am

  • Create lessons that fit naturally within the curriculum (state mandate)

  • Create lessons that fit within the typical amount of lesson time; eLearning lessons should be the same length as typical instructional lessons

  • Be available for office hours to answer questions from 9 am-3 pm

  • Try to answer student questions within 30-45 minute window of time

  • Google Meet is the district supported video conferencing tool for eLearning days that staff and students have access to; Zoom is not available to all staff and students. Note: Google has changed recording options for Google Meet conferences. Users cannot record/save Google Meet recordings as they could during the pandemic. All BCSC staff, however, have access to Screencastify premium, with unlimited recording time. Screencastify can record the screen, record Google Meets, and saves to Google Drive.

  • Utilize the UDL framework to provide students with options in eLearning days and remove barriers from the virtual learning environment

  • Modify work for students with IEPS, 504s, and other accommodations (work with special education teachers)

Pre-kindergarten teachers will not post lessons on itslearning. Please discuss this with your building supervisor(s).

For more information, view the slides and resources below.

Communicating with Students and Families

Before an eLearning day, teachers need to be sure that all students, parents, guardians, families, and stakeholders are aware of how the teacher plans to communicate assignments and information on an eLearning day. It is up to the teacher's discretion on what messaging/communication platform best fits the needs of the students.

Options for communicating with students and families can include itslearning messenger, Google Meet conference calls, email, and our district-wide communication tool, Parentsquare. Before winter break and after spring break be sure to communicate the form(s) of communication you plan to use on an eLearning day so students and families can be prepared.

During an eLearning day, teachers must post lesson materials by 9 am (state mandate). Teachers must also be available to answer student questions, give feedback, and provide guidance from 9 am to 3 pm. In addition, teachers must respond to student questions within a 30-45 minute time frame.

Resources to share with parents/guardians/families:

eLearning Course Readiness

Before an eLearning day, it is helpful to organize your course, content, and materials within itslearning. Check out the readiness checklist to help prepare:

eLearning Training Webinar

Want specific eLearning training and tips? Check out the eLearning and itslearning training from New Teacher Academy.

Technology Tips for Using Devices at Home

Using BCSC Devices Offline

If using a BCSC-issued laptop/device on an eLearning day while not connected to the BCSC WiFi/network, logging onto the device is a different process than when connected to the BCSC network.

  1. Turn on the device.

  2. When the network login screen appears, select the "computer only login" option.

  3. Type in your usual username and password credentials (Novel/Groupwise login credentials).

  4. You will now be logged into your device. If you are logged out at any time while still not connected to the BCSC network, repeat the same login process using the comptuer only login option.

  5. Some tools, such as email, will also not be accessed in the same method when disconnected to the network versus connected to the network. The Groupwise email shortcut on your desktop will not work when you are working on your laptop when disconnected from the BCSC network. See resources below.

itslearning, Email, and Google Accounts

Teachers may have to access resources like itslearning, email, and Google differently on an eLearning day than when connected to the BCSC WiFi. Use the resources linked in the buttons below for assistance.

Curriculum resources

Digital curriculum resources can be accessed on eLearning days when disconnected from the BCSC WiFi network. For resources that utilize Google Single Sign On, be sure to login to BCSC Google accounts before attempting to access. For LTI curriculum resources that are accessed through itslearning, sign into itslearning and access the resources as usual through the itslearning platform. This will be the same process for any students as well.

Planning for Success

  • Practice! Host a mock eLearning lesson in your class. Make sure your students know where to find lessons and ask for help within itslearning.

  • Develop a communication game plan in advance of an eLearning day. Be sure students and families know the best ways to get in contact with you.

  • Send home important login information for resources that you anticipate using on eLearning days (curriculum resources, websites, etc.) before an eLearning day-namely before winter break and after spring break.

  • Follow the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework when designing your online environment. Provide optionsm for engagement, representation, and action/expression.

  • Include your voice in your lessons! Use the audio and video recording options on the itslearning rich text editor to record yourself. Recordings help provide options for representation and can clarify instructions for your students while completing lessons. Students appreciate hearing your voice!

  • Plan high tech, low tech, and no tech options for your learners on an eLearning day (tip sheet). Providing options in learning activities can help to ensure most students, no matter their technology situation, can complete the lessons. Give options so that students with varying internet speeds can complete work.

  • Communicate with students through itslearning, email, Remind text alerts, etc. on an eLearning day in a timely manner-roughly 30-45 minutes after they have posed a question.

  • Be creative and think outside the box! Not all learning activities and "show what you know" activities must be created on a device. Think about items, resources, or activities students can do around the house, record, and then share with you. Allow students the option to create paper copies of assignments that can be submitted digitally (pictures, videos).

  • Be flexible. Students may work on eLearning objectives at any time after they have been posted.

Sample Lessons

Sample eLearning lessons for both elementary and secondary grade levels can be found on itslearning in the BCSC Connect course under "Technology", then "eLearning". The formats and assignments from these sample lessons are not requirements for eLearning day lessons but are helpful resources to consult when planning.

For additional help on planning eLearning lessons for an extended amount of time due to the COVID-19 coronavirus, check out the eLearning Help YouTube Channel.

As in a normal, face to face school day lesson, eLearning lessons must also reflect the UDL guidelines and provide options for learning so all learners can be successful. When designing an eLearning lesson, be sure to provide multiple means of representation in the instructions for students (text, audio, pictures, video), multiple means of engagement (discussions, videos, 'hooks' to capture attention), and multiple means of action and expression to showcase their understanding. Some students may have slow internet access so providing options for students can help overcome technology barriers. For example, a video may be too difficult to load for a student who has slow internet; providing a text, or reading option of the same information may help this student still have access to the curriculum and learning experience.

Student Accommodations

Specifications and accommodations associated with 504 plans, IEPs, and ELL students must be followed on eLearning days. Students who are required extra work time or resources must be given these accommodations. Core subject area teachers and special education teachers (teachers of record) can work together to help meet students' needs on eLearning days.

Implementing the UDL guidelines can also help all students be successful on eLearning days. When giving students instructions on itslearning for an eLearning day, include video or audio recordings of the instructions whenever possible, options in resources available to complete an assignment, and options in the activities that can be completed to show an understanding of the eLearning lesson goal(s).

UDL Technology Tools

Tools within itslearning and outside of itslearning can help further Universal Design for Learning (UDL) on an eLearning day. BCSC teachers are expected to implement UDL and provide options to learners on eLearning days just as during a normal school day. Below are resources to help further UDL implementation for an eLearning day using both itslearning resources and resources outside of itslearning. If an outside resource is going to be used on an eLearning day, students MUST know how to access, login, or navigate the resource in advance. An eLearning day is not the ideal moment to try a new website or curriculum resource-be sure to carefully examine resources beforehand and share login information with students in advance.

Image of UDL Guidelines courtesy of CAST.

Professional Development and Training

In addition, Katie Novak (UDL Expert) and Corie Williams (BCSC UDL Facilitator) presented a session at the 2018 BCSC UDL Institute over eLearning. A recording of their session as well as their slidedeck can be located on itslearning, the BCSC Connect course,


Need help developing lessons for eLearning days or have questions? Contact Brenny Kummer, Coordinator of Instructional Technology via email: kummerb@bcsc.k12.in.us.

Keep your eye out for professional development opportunities throughout the year.

If you experience difficulty on an eLearning day, contact the BCSC eLearning Hotline at 812-418-0252.