Join a Committee

Our Committees

ASCBC has five standing committees that carry out the work of the organization. Each committee has a Chairperson who is responsible for leading the committee, delegating responsibilities to the committee members, and reporting progress to the Executive Board.

Any member of the General Assembly is welcome to serve on an ASCBC committee. Serving on a committee is a great way to build your leadership skills, make friends from other schools, and gain experience in ASCBC. Most committees meet virtually every other week.

Read about the committees and sign up below.



The Elections Committee is responsible for running every part of ASCBC's annual election, from publicizing election deadlines to overseeing voter education materials to receiving reports of campaign violations. To ensure a fair and transparent election, students who serve on this committee may not run for any elected office in ASCBC or endorse/support any candidate. 

Communications Committee

The Communications Committee plans and executes ASCBC's communications strategy. This includes communication to key stakeholders like students and the Baltimore City community. The committee maintains ASCBC's social media pages and website.

Legislative Affairs Committee

The Legislative Affairs committee is responsible for staying up-to-date on School Board policies and local and state laws that affect students. They report on these policies/bills to ASCBC's General Assembly and the Executive Board and they plan and carry out legislative advocacy like delivering testimony to the School Board.



The Diversity Committee is composed of students representing various groups within the student body of City Schools. This committee's goal is to ensure that ASCBC is inclusive of all student groups and that ASCBC approaches all of its organizing and advocacy work with a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusivity.

General Assembly Planning Committee

The General Assembly Planning Committee is responsible for planning the agenda for General Assembly, recruiting and training student session leaders, and coordinating all logistics for every General Assembly meeting.

Join a Committee!