For SGA Advisors

Become a member of ASCBC

Any Baltimore City Public School can become a member of ASCBC. ASCBC member schools:

Membership in ASCBC is free to all City Schools. Schools must renew their membership annually. 

ASCBC member schools are responsible for: 

How to start an SGA at your school

Check out this resource guide for setting up and sustaining a student government at your school.

How to Start an SGA at Your School

Policy JJA

On May 23, 2023, the Baltimore City School Board passed Policy JJA, which governs Student Government and other student organizations. ASCBC was deeply involved throughout the policy development process, holding consultations with SGA students at General Assemblies, working with district office staff to revise the policy, and providing testimony to the School Board. 

It is our belief that JJA is the most progressive policy supporting the rights of Student Governments and other student organizations in the country. 

Know your rights! Student Governments in Baltimore City have a right to...

Learn More

Read the Policy.

Read the Regulation.

Read the Landscape Analysis of SGA in City Schools.

Earn AUs for SGA Advising

SGA Advisors do a huge amount of work on top of their regular responsibilities. Baltimore City Schools employees who are AU eligible can earn 1-6 AUs each year they serve as an SGA Advisor. 

Click here to learn more and sign up.


Questions about Student Government and ASCBC? Want to sign up for a weekly newsletter with reminders and resources for students and advisors in SGA? Email