Fall 2023 Election

The votes are in!

2,172 students voted in the election for the Student Commissioner and the Officers of the Associated Student Congress of Baltimore City between October 30 and November 2.

The winning candidates are:

Student Commissioner: Jamir Lawson

ASCBC President: Brooke Bourne

ASCBC Vice President: Christiana Diggs

ASCBC Middle School Executive: Laura Lopez-Xochicale

ASCBC Treasurer: Shamir Burg

ASCBC Diversity Committee Chair: Jayzanay Blessett

Congratulations to all of the candidates on a strong campaign!

Learn about the candidates

Learn more about the candidates by checking out a voter guide, candidate videos, and a live Townhall below!

Voter Guide/Guía Para Votantes

Digital Voter Guide for the Student Commissioner and ASCBC Election

Digital Voter Guide (English)

Digital Voter Guide for Student Commissioner and ASCBC elections(Spanish).docx

Guía para votantes (Español)

Candidate Videos/Videos de Candidatos

LIVE Candidate Town Hall

Candidate Videos/Videos de Candidatos

Apply for an appointed role on the ASCBC Executive Board by November 6.

Are you passionate about leadership and advocating for other youth? You should run for a leadership position in the Associated Student Congress of Baltimore City!

ASCBC has the following appointed positions: Chief of Staff, Legislative Affairs Director, Parliamentarian, Diversity Liaisons, Committee Chair positions and Ad Hoc members.

To apply, copy or download the election packet, complete it, and email it to hjtilt@bcps.k12.md.us.

ASCBC 2023-2024 Election Packet.docx

Election Timeline

September 1-18: Application window for Student Commissioner and ASCBC Officers

September 19: Mandatory info session (virtual)

September 26: Campaign materials due for review

October 3: ASCBC General Assembly and Nominating Convention

October 4: Candidates are announced

October 9-29: Campaigning window

October 18: Candidate Town Hall (virtual)

October 30-November 2: Election week

November 6: Election results announced

Election Procedures

A draft of the Election Procedures is linked here. These procedures are scheduled to go before the School Board for approval in October, 2023.

Election Committee

To ensure a fair and unbiased election, ASCBC's stipulate that an Elections Committee will administer the election. According to ASCBC's Bylaws, Article IV, Section 8:

Elections Committee: 

Report a Campaign Violation

Any Baltimore City Student can report campaign violations by completing this Google form. You must be logged into your school account to complete this form.


Do you have additional questions about the election? Contact the Elections Committee Chairpeople, Haley Tilt (hjtilt@bcps.k12.md.us) and Ellen Griffin (ellen.shigeno@gmail.com).