
What does this capacity mean or involve?


What sensibilities, characteristics, and priorities are cultivated?


What actions are called for? What would this look like in practice?

Working reciprocally with others.

Working across differences to achieve a shared goal.

Bringing multiple perspectives, diverse experiences, and individual creativity to bear on a pursuit.


Respect for others

Diversity as an asset and strength

Equity, inclusion, access, and anti-racism



Being aware of one's verbal and non-verbal communication





Recognition that collaboration is inevitably contextual and culture-bound

Mindfulness of power inequities

Awareness and maintenance of interpersonal boundaries

Building consensus

Working together for a common purpose

Sharing knowledge and skills

Considering how power and privilege are at work and striving for equity, inclusion, and access

Listening actively and deeply

Being a creative problem solver


Acting reciprocally

Admitting and learning from mistakes

Not rushing to, assuming, or forcing consensus

Asking who is missing or excluded and inviting them to the table

Prioritizing the experiences or perspectives of those whose well-being is most at stake

Receiving feedback on your impact

Process Tools

Setting group norms (helpful article about why and how to set norms)

Listening (strategies for listening from UC Berkeley)

Facilitation (article from the Sheridan Center at Brown University)

Agendas (from the University of Minnesota Extension)

Consensus (a very thorough description of the consensus process, both what it is and how to use it)

Consensus Building

Group Formation (a description from MIT of the five stages of group formation (forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning)

Trust Building (How to assess an essential leadership capacity)

Positive Psychology - How to build trust.