
What does this capacity mean or involve?


What sensibilities, characteristics, and priorities are cultivated?


What actions are called for? What would this look like in practice?

Change is inevitable; make it positive.

Positive change is the goal toward which the other Cs are directed.

The ultimate goal of leadership is to effect positive change while supporting the dignity and agency of everyone involved.

Leadership includes the task of discerning when, specifically, change is necessary or desirable.

Positive perceptions of change

Commitment to equity, inclusion, access, anti-racism, social justice, and the public good

Recognition that change can be difficult

Comfort with ambiguity and transition

Self-confidence and self-worth


Willingness to move outside of one's comfort zone


Exposing current injustices or challenges

Developing a clear vision and plan of action to achieve positive change

Actively pursuing the desired plan of action

Identifying the impact of efforts and discerning when change is necessary or desirable

Being open to change and its challenges

Being open to having one’s position or perspective challenged

Being open to feedback on one's impact

Striving for social justice