Before You Begin 

Understanding Fractions: Grade 5

Essential Question: How do reasoning and estimating support students' understanding and fluency with fraction operations?

I. Prepare for Session 1

At Bank Street, we believe that teaching is an intellectual process that requires critical thinking, risk-taking, and reflection, much like learning. Typically, we structure our professional development series so that collaboration among colleagues is central.

Since you may complete this module independently, we are offering strategies to support you in getting the most out of this professional learning experience: You will find these strategies in Handout 5.0d: Tips: Getting the Most Out of Your Module. 

Before you begin, complete the following as part of the pre-work for the module: 

After completing this short introduction and the pre-work, you will participate in 3 hour-long learning sessions. During this time, you will consider how you know what students know and how to facilitate math learning for understanding. There are also built-in opportunities to take the work back to your classroom in the Bridge to Practice section of the module.

II. Pre-Work