Student Code of Conduct

Special problems confront administrators and teachers in conducting schooling programs free from disruption and free from distracting behavior which impedes the learning of any student. School officials may find it necessary to discipline a student or even temporarily remove a student from the formal learning environment. Teachers and administrators have discretionary powers in invoking disciplinary actions and procedures and in maintaining a climate conducive to learning and protecting life and property. School disciplinary actions are civil matters, not criminal matters.

Automobiles, Motorcycles, Other Vehicles on Campus

Parking on school property is subject to School Board policies. As a condition of parking on district property, students must observe all traffic and safety laws.  Not doing so may result in disciplinary action including loss of parking privileges. District officials may conduct searches of vehicles upon reasonable suspicion of a policy, rule and/or procedure violation. Students driving to school must meet the following responsibilities:

• School, local, and state traffic regulations must be obeyed

• Students are not to park in the staff parking lot

• No student vehicles are allowed to leave the school grounds during class times or at Break without following the proper office sign out procedures

• Students are allowed to sign out in the office and drive to off campus work experience, excluding HLMS

• Students are not allowed to drive vehicles to the gym for Physical Education or assemblies

• Failure to meet the above responsibilities may result in drivers losing the privilege of parking and/or driving their vehicles on district grounds. The district assumes no responsibility or liability for loss or damage to vehicles, bicycles or skateboards.

• Bicycles and skateboards ridden to school by students must be stored in the designated areas on school grounds and should be locked. Bikes and skateboards may only be ridden outside. 

Students under the age of 16 must wear a helmet as required by law. In accordance with Oregon law, the Superintendent may request that student driving privileges or the right to apply for driving privileges be suspended for one year for any student who has been expelled for bringing a weapon to school or suspended or expelled at least twice for assaulting or menacing a district employee or another student, willful damage or injury to district property, or for use of threats, intimidation, harassment or coercion against a district employee or another student. A second such request may result in suspension of driving privileges or the right to apply for driving privileges until the student is 21. A meeting with the parent or guardian will be held prior to submitting such a request to the Oregon Department of Transportation. A student may appeal district decisions regarding driving privileges under established due process procedures for suspensions and expulsions.

Students are allowed to bring their own electronic devices to school, however, they must adhere to the BSD Electronics Communication Systems Policy IIBGA-AR and classroom procedures. Electronic devices may be permitted during class at the discretion of the teacher and for educational purposes only. If students are not following protocols, the device may be confiscated. See "Electronic Devices" section below.


• Enter the cafeteria through the gym lobby

• Do not run in the cafeteria

• Do not give or take “cuts” in line

• Talk in normal tones to keep the noise down

• When finished, put trash in the bins up front, leave utensils and trays at the last window, and leave the  cafeteria

• Pick up your messes

• Follow directions of the cafeteria supervisor. Failure to abide by the rules will result in work detail, loss of cafeteria privileges, or other disciplinary action.

•Follow hand washing/sanitizing protocols

Classroom Conduct

Each teacher has a set of rules and consequences governing his/her classroom. Serious infractions will result in immediate referral to the building administrator. If a student’s behavior problem is serious or chronic, the student may be referred for expulsion or an alternative education plan.

While Bandon High School reserves the right to apply consequences on a case by case basis, a typical discipline progression will result in the following consequences for similar violations of the code of conduct: 

However, the administration will take into consideration past performance, maturity, and impact on other students and the community.

Conduct Violations-Consequences

School personnel are in complete authority over students during school hours and at school functions whether on or off school grounds regardless of time or location and while being transported in district provided transportation. Students are responsible for conducting themselves in accordance with the policies of the district and lawful directions from staff. A student who violates the Student Code of Conduct shall be subject to disciplinary action including but not limited to:

1. An informal conference and/or counseling 

2. A formal conference and reprimand 

3. After school detention 

4. Work detention

5. Parent contact

6. In-school suspension

7. Out of school suspension

8. Expulsion

9. Placement in an alternative education program

10. Placement on a behavior contract

11. Reporting behaviors which might violate state law to police

All students will be given due process including the right to appeal the discipline decisions of staff and administrators.  All decisions affecting the discipline, records, and continuance of a student in school shall be based on careful and reasoned investigation of the facts and the consistent application of rules and regulations to ensure fair and objective treatment.

Bandon School District uses a progressive model of discipline.  Consequences will be based upon where an infraction falls on our discipline matrix.  The administration reserves the right to adapt the matrix to better suit individual situations whenever necessary. A copy of the Progressive Discipline Matrix may be viewed on the high school webpage. 

Dances/Social Events

Students will be breathalyzed at dances sponsored by Bandon High School. The rules of good conduct, dress, and grooming shall be observed for school dances and social events.  Guests will be expected to observe the same rules as students attending the events. The student inviting the guest will share responsibility for the conduct of the guest.

Students who want to invite a guest, who is not enrolled at Bandon High School, must have a guest pass approved at least three days prior to the dance by administration. A student may have only one guest at an event. Guests must be younger than 21 years of age and will be required to show ID at the door.

Anyone leaving before the official end of the activity will not be readmitted.


A student may be detained outside of class time on one or more days if the student violates the Student Code of Conduct. After school detention shall not begin, however, until the student’s parents have been notified and can make arrangements for the student’s transportation on the day(s) of detention.

Discipline of Disabled Students

A student being served by an Individual Education Program (IEP) who engages in conduct which would warrant suspension for a nondisabled student may be suspended for violations of the Student Code of Conduct in accordance with the district policy.

When a student with an IEP is suspended, the student's parents will be notified immediately (within 24 hours) of the circumstances of the misbehavior and of the time and location of the student's IEP team meeting addressing the infraction and its relationship to the disability.

Dress and Grooming

The Board’s policy concerning student dress and grooming is as follows: The student’s dress and grooming shall not lead school officials to believe that such dress or grooming will disrupt, interfere with, or distract from school activities, i.e. the specific advertising of alcohol, tobacco products, illegal controlled substances, advocating violence, obscene language or suggestive phrases. The district prohibits any clothing or grooming that, in a staff member’s judgement, may reasonably be expected to cause disruption or interfere with normal school operations. Students’ dress and grooming are expected to be in keeping with the accepted community standards. Students who disregard the dress code will be asked to change, given consequences, sent home, and/or be placed in an alternative educational setting. All building administrative decisions regarding student dress are final.

Clothing will be neatly worn as intended by the manufacturer.

The wearing of short shorts/running shorts shall not be permitted and the Administration’s judgment concerning length shall be final. The torso should be covered.

All students will wear shoes at all times. (Shoes found to be leaving marks on floors will be prohibited.)

The wearing of hats, caps or other head coverings in the classroom is subject to teachers’ classroom expectations and rules.

For security reasons, hoods may not be worn in the building.

Flags and blankets will not be worn as capes.

An instructor may require modification of dress and/or grooming if a safety factor in the class of an activity is involved.

School Administration shall have the prerogative of prohibiting specific items of clothing which, in his or her judgment, distract from the educational process or for safety considerations.

Students will be prohibited from carrying or wearing material, devices, identifying markings, or paraphernalia (this includes but is not limited to: marijuana, mushrooms, alcohol, etc.) that may indicate membership or support for gangs. These regulations apply to students while attending school during the regular day and while attending school activities designated by school administrators.

Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco Policy

Drug, alcohol and tobacco products are harmful to students and will not be permitted at our school or any school activities. Any student who brings drugs, tobacco or alcohol to school or school activities, or has had drugs, tobacco or alcohol in their  constructive possession while at school or school activities, shall be immediately suspended. Violations of drug, alcohol and tobacco policy will result in consequences that range from out of school suspension to expulsion from school for the rest of the school year. Online diversion classes may be offered.  Appropriate health and law enforcement agencies may be involved in at least a consultative and investigative capacity. Parents will be notified. District administrators acting on reasonable suspicion may request that students participate in a breathalyzer screening or other detection tests for alcohol and/or drugs at school or prior to or during a school sponsored event. If a student refuses, he/she may be subject to school discipline and/or referral to law enforcement officials, and/or refusal of admittance to school functions. See JFCI.

Electronic Devices

Students are permitted to carry their phones and electronic devices as long as they are turned off and not visible during class time. Use of electronic devices is allowed before school begins, at lunchtime, and during passing time, but they must be silenced. If an electronic device is seen and/or heard, staff have the authority to confiscate the item and the student may be referred for disciplinary action. Any item confiscated from a student will be sent to the office. The use of electronic devices including, but not limited to, cell phones, IPods, and MP3 players, may be permitted during class at the discretion of the classroom teacher for educational purposes only. Use must follow all existing school policies regarding electronic devices. Violation of the appropriate use of electronic devices as set by the classroom teacher and Board policy will result in disciplinary action.

• First offense - Student may pick up the device from the office at the end of the school day.

• Second offense - Parent/guardian must pick up a device from the office. 

• Third offense - Student may be prohibited from bringing any device to school for the rest of the semester. Failure to comply with a device confiscation directive will result in suspension. Bandon High School assumes no responsibility for any electronic devices brought to school. Unauthorized or inappropriate pictures, writing, or other electronic media taken or shown at school may be subject to disciplinary action. The use of cellphone cameras is strictly prohibited in bathrooms and locker rooms. The electronic device policy is subject to change at any time. Bandon School District policy JFCEB-AR is under review this page will be updated as needed. 



The expulsion hearing will occur within 10 school days of the student’s suspension pending expulsion.

No student may be expelled without a hearing unless the student's parent or the student, if 18 years of age, waives the right to a hearing, either in writing or by failure to appear at a scheduled hearing.

An expulsion shall not extend beyond one calendar year.

At least five days prior to the scheduled hearing, the district will provide by personal service or certified mail, appropriate expulsion notification including expulsion hearing procedures and student and parent rights.

Prohibited Behaviors

• Alcohol, drug, tobacco, psychedelics, dietary supplements, mood enhancers, and vapor pen possession and use

• Possession of weapons or weapon replicas

• Theft, damage or destruction of school property or private property

• Disruption of school functions, activities, events, or processes

• Assault, fighting or threats of harm to self or others (may be reported to the police)

• Assaulting or menacing a district employee or another student. Menacing means by word or conduct the student attempts to place another person in fear of imminent serious physical injury.

• Students who promote or become involved in physical aggression can expect to be held responsible and disciplined for their actions. 

• Retaliation against any person who reports, is thought to have reported, files a complaint or otherwise participates in an investigation or inquiry is prohibited. 

• Violations of district transportation rules (will be subject to transportation supervisor’s discipline policy).

• The possession of lighters, matches or any incinerating devices. Any arson on school property is strictly forbidden.

• Plagiarism or cheating (may result in forfeiture of membership in NHS and/or class ranking of Valedictorian and Salutatorian).

• Leaving school grounds or school-sponsored events without permission or during Break.

• Use or display of profanity, vulgar language or obscene gestures

• Willful disobedience, disrespect, insubordination or open defiance of school personnel authority

• Committing extortion, coercion or blackmail; that is, obtaining money or other objects of value from an unwilling person or forcing an individual to act through the use of force or threat of force

• Name calling, ethnic or racial slurs or derogatory statements that may substantially disrupt the school environment or incite violence

• Physical contact or public lewdness - NO sitting on laps, NO excessive hugging or kissing with another student. Public lewdness encompasses any inappropriate, indecent, or offensive act that implies or involves contact of a sexual nature. This includes inappropriate public displays of affection (PDA).

• Sexual harassment, verbal or physical, which may include sexting, requests for sexual favors, name calling, teasing, inappropriate touching, or any other intimidating sexual conduct

• Hazing, harassment, intimidation, coercion, cyber bullying, or any act that injures, degrades or disgraces a student or staff member

• Possession of laser pointers

• Gambling

• Possession of squirt guns, water balloons or other water devices

• Dress code violations (see DRESS AND GROOMING)

• Gang behavior

• Truancy and other unexcused absences (see ATTENDANCE)

• False fire alarms and bomb threats

• Trespassing on HLMS and Ocean Crest during school hours

• Vehicle safety/guideline violations

Student Rights and Responsibilities 

Among the student rights and responsibilities guaranteed by state and federal laws are the following: 

1. Civil rights including the rights to equal educational opportunity and freedom from discrimination; the responsibility not to discriminate against others.

2. The right to attend free public schools; the responsibility to attend school regularly and to observe school rules essential for permitting others to learn at school.

3. The right to due process of law with respect to decisions which the student believes injure his/her rights.

4. The right to free inquiry and expression; the responsibility to observe reasonable rules regarding these rights.

 5. The right to assemble informally; the responsibility to not disrupt the orderly operation of the educational process, nor infringe upon the rights of others.

6. The right to privacy, which includes privacy in respect to the student's education records; the responsibility to respect others’ right to privacy.

7. The right to know the behavior standards expected, the responsibility to follow them or accept the consequences.


A student may be suspended from school for willful and/or repeated violations of the Student Code of Conduct, including but not limited to conduct which materially and substantially disrupts the rights of others to an education, endangers the student or other students or district property. The school will make a reasonable and prompt effort to notify the parents of a suspended student. The district may also require a student to attend school during non school hours as an alternative to suspension.

An opportunity for the student to present his/her view of the alleged misconduct will be given during the suspension conference. Each suspension notice will include the specific reason(s) for the suspension, the length of the suspension and a plan for re-admission.

While under suspension, a student may not attend any school activities or athletic events or be present on district property or participate in any activities directed or sponsored by the district. Make up work and homework will be allowed on a case by case basis with the classroom teacher involved in the decision. The classroom teacher will have the prerogative to allow or disallow makeup work during a suspension.

Transportation of Students

A student being transported on district provided transportation is required to be at the bus stop five minutes before the scheduled time of pick up and will comply with the Student Code of Conduct and posted transportation rules. Any student who fails to comply with the Student Code of Conduct and/or the transportation rules may be denied transportation services and shall be subject to disciplinary action. Parents and students may contact their bus driver for a copy of the transportation rules.

Disciplinary Procedures for Violations of Transportation Rules:

1. First Citation: Warning citation 

2. Second Citation: Suspended from the bus until parent conference 

3. Third Citation: Suspension, conference, behavior contract 

4. Severe Violations: Any severe violation will result in the immediate suspension of the student for a minimum of ten days and up to a one year expulsion. There will be a hearing at this time, arranged by the transportation supervisor, involving the student, the bus driver, the transportation supervisor, the parent and the Assistant Principal.

Disciplinary sanctions and changes in transportation for a student with a disability shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the student's Individual Education Program (IEP) for students considered disabled under IDEA or the individually designed program for students considered disabled under Section 504 and in accordance with Board adopted policies and procedures governing the discipline of disabled students.

The appeal process may be used if the student and/or parent desires.