Science Fair Lab Notebook

Science Lab Notebook Rules:

  1. All work done in the lab will be recorded, in PEN, in your lab notebook. If you make an error, put a single line through the eror error and continue. We want a record of everything done in lab, even if we made a mistake.
  2. Create a Table of Contents on the first page of your lab notebook.
  3. Always use a ruler when drawing straight edges for tables, graphs or any other objects.
  4. Use complete sentences in all parts of the lab report.
  5. Cite any source used for background research in MLA format at the end of report
Sample notebook.pdf

You will need a separate notebook for Science Fair. This notebook should look like and have at least all of the information listed below and as shown above. I'll make sure to walk you through it as we go along. Make sure to include MLA citations in your notebook as you find them, too! There is no reflection, so you can use both sides of your notebook or only use the right side pages of your notebooks- I will leave that up to you!

You will need:

  • Table of Contents
    • Topic Ideas/MLA references
    • Questions/hypothesis/variables
    • Materials
    • Procedure
    • Data (Tables/Graphs)
    • Results
    • Conclusion
    • Abstract