Final Copy of Written Report

Final Copy of Written Report-

3 forms of submission: google classroom,, and paper copy

Due date for Homework #12: March 6, 2019 (Friday)

For this homework, you need to make sure that you have made the recommended edits and pull all the pieces together. Each section should be titled and all combined into 1 document. You will need to type a bibliography if you haven't already. You will be graded according to the rubric linked below.

  1. Type your Title Page and include your project title, name, school and date.
  2. Abstract: this section was completed March 3rd.
  3. Introduction: this section was completed January 24th. Make any corrections and include a clean copy in the final paper.
  4. Experimental Procedure (Materials and Methods/Procedure): this section was completed in January 31st. Make any corrections and include a clean copy in the final paper.
  5. Graphs and Tables: Data tables and graphs were completed in February 21st. Make any corrections and include clean copies in the final paper.
  6. Results: Results section was completed in February 27th. Make any corrections and include a clean copy in the final paper.
  7. Conclusion: this section was completed in March 3rd. Make any corrections and include a clean copy in the final paper.
  8. Works Cited/Bibliography: This section will need to be typed for the final written report. Each source you used in in your project needs to appear in this list. You should have at least 6 sources (one of which must be a book).
  9. Revise, proofread and edit your written report several times before turning it in.

Your final copy of your paper must be perfect. It must …

  • Be free of all errors
  • Be organized, clear and easy to read
  • Be interesting
  • Be clean and neat
  • Say exactly what you want it to say using your own words
Science Fair Written Report Rubric.xlsx