Materials and Methods

(2 deadlines)

This is important, especially for reproducing results.

You can find a few examples of previous materials and methods sections of different people's projects. Make sure to list anything and everything that you're using!

There are 2 deadlines for this section!

Materials and Methods AND Regional Science Fair Paperwork

Due date for Homework #5: January 29, 2020 (Wednesday)

1. Design your experiment procedure/methods. Make sure to number each step. Do not leave out any details. Your control and constant variables will automatically be included in your procedure if you do this correctly.

2. Read through your procedure and create a materials list. Be specific.

For example:

Don’t just put iron nails on the list. Figure out how many nails are needed to repeat the experiment several times, what size the nails are, what are the nails made of, what the brand of nail is etc.

3. Draw a diagram of your experiment as you see it in your head. A diagram is sometimes easier to follow than a written procedure.

4. Parental Permission: Have your parents read through your procedure and material list. Then have them sign your notebook. These signatures mean that your parents approve your project and will provide you with necessary materials, BUT, this project is YOUR project! You are responsible for conducting the experiment. Once your parents approve your project, I will sign your notebook as well. Do not begin any experimentation until you get all the required signatures.

You need to complete the forms online for the Worcester Regional Fair. We will look at them in class, but you will need to submit a printed version with this homework.

Materials and Methods List - typed draft AND email to Mentor

Due date for Homework #6: January 31, 2020 (Friday)

After you have your procedure approved, type up your Experimental Procedure and Materials List. Save a copy on Google Drive.

Use the following guidelines as you type your report:

Guidelines for Written Report:

Font: Times New Roman or similar

Size: 12 point

Color: Black

Margins: 1 inch

Voice: Use the third person and NO personal pronouns.

Examples of Procedure&Materials