Display Board, Oral Presentation, and Experimental Notebook

Display board, oral presentation and experimental notebook

Due date for Homework #13: March 9-12, 2020 (boards due on presentation day)

You will be assigned to a date during this time frame. On the day you’re assigned you need to bring in your display board, experimental notebook and present your project. The rubric for grading can be found below.

        • Display Board
            • Catchy Title
            • Name
            • Abstract
            • Introduction/Background Research
            • Problem Statement
            • Hypothesis
            • Variables
            • Graphs and Tables
            • Results
            • Conclusions
            • Bibliography on back of poster
            • *pizzazz optional
        • Oral Presentation
            • See rubric
        • Experimental Notebook
            • See rubric

The order for class presentations will also be updated and found below.

Science Fair Display Board Class Presentations 2020
Rubric for presentation, notebook and display.xlsx