Welcome from BAM’s President

Gina Duncan
Photo: Rory Mulligan


Since its founding in 1861, BAM has served as a community center, a school, a church, a movie palace, a gallery, a Red Cross emergency dispensary, a polling site, a vaccination clinic, a spectacular opera venue, a world-class theater, and of course, a dance floor. And while we have been many things over the years, we will always be firmly committed to the preservation and continuous activation of live art spaces not just as a cultural necessity but as a societal imperative. As a catalytic institution deeply rooted in our practice of innovation, we believe in the power of art to activate history and to engage with the fabric of our wondrous, imperfect humanity.  We are looking toward a sustainable and resilient future for BAM, for artists, and for everyone in our community. 

Our reputation as the home for cutting-edge and radically innovative art was born right here at the Next Wave festival. This year we mark four decades of the iconic festival by presenting an exciting array of artists whose contemplative yet visceral opera, theater, music, and dance works speak to themes that course through our daily lives. 

We are thrilled to inaugurate this landmark season with a performance from Laurie Anderson, an influential figure whose epic United States: Parts I–IV and collaboration on Trisha Brown’s transformative world premiere of Set and Reset were a part of BAM’s first Next Wave offerings in 1983. Anderson has remained a BAM mainstay, returning to present more than 20 works since then and continuing to exemplify Next Wave’s fearless spirit. 

My deepest gratitude goes to everyone who made this season possible, from the BAM staff to the incredible artists and generous supporters. You are crucial to the creation of these unforgettable shared experiences and we look forward to bringing you many more boundary-pushing performances that will nourish, connect, and spark joy long after the curtains close.

Thank you for joining us,

Gina Duncan
BAM President