
For your exploration of Photoshop  you will need to produce a series of images demonstrating your understanding and control of Tonal Adjustment, Colour Adjustment and Retouching. Be sure to take plenty of screen shots of your photoshop adjustment settings and tools to include and annotated in your visual diary. You will then need to produce 1 final image that applies your understanding of Photoshop to communicate ideas and create aesthetic qualities. This final image will need to be extensively annotated to explain how you have used materials and techniques to communicate ideas and create your aesthetic qualities. 

Tonal Adjustment

Tonal adjustment is altering brightness and contrast either globally or locally. Globally means across the entire image and locally means just in specific areas.

Colour Adjustment

Colour adjustment is altering colour balance and intensity either globally or locally.  Colour adjustments can be used to make an image look more natural and realistic or more heightened and surreal.


Retouching ranges from removing small blemishes or objects to combining elements from multiple images into the one image.