Art Making & Exhibiting

Unit 1

All students must have an A3 Visual Diary and a minimum of 32GB SD card

Explore a range of Photographic Materials & Techniques and document your exploration and discoveries in your Visual Diaries.

In term 1 we will be exploring Camera, Lighting, Film, Darkroom & Photoshop both technically and creatively to complete outcome 1.

Expand your Outcome 1 exploration by creating finished Artworks with the new materials and techniques you have discovered and document every step of your process in your visual diary.

In term 2 we will be producing a number of finished artworks in response to the various artists we have studied in class.

Investigate 3 Australian Photographers, 1 of which must be Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, and produce a didactic for each, with images, suitable for an exhibition. 

In term 1 we will plant the seeds for outcome 3 then in term 2 you will complete your 3 artist didactics.

Annotation & Visual Diary

A key part of outcome 1 & 2 is the annotation of all your work in your visual diary. These annotations are worth as many marks as the images you produce and are critical for demonstrating your understanding of the various materials & techniques you are exploring.

The other purpose of annotation is to prepare you for exams and get you confidently using expressive art language. So please apply your best efforts and considerations when writing your annotations.
We will spend time in class looking at what makes a good annotation so you can always be focussed on improving your own.

We will also be doing a number of visual diary checks along the way and your first one is week 4.

Everything you do must be documented in your Visual Diary

Practicing artists are always taking notes of everything they see and do. This becomes their source of inspiration and ideas. For best results in VCE art subjects you really need to be taking notes all the time and doing your annotations regularly. If you leave your annotations for too long it will be difficult to remember exactly what you have done and how you felt about it at the time. Remember your visual diary is a constant work in progress and does not need to be super neat or decorative. 

Your visual diary is an extension of your thinking process and evidence of the development of your ideas. It is a good idea to date every entry and this is essential in Units 3 & 4.