Actualizing E Pluribus Unum Through ‘Race Amity and the Other Tradition

Commemorating the 1921 conference was held just days after the first and was organized by the National Center for Race Amity (NCRA). The NCRA has for years worked tirelessly and effectively to promote interracial understanding, and this National Spiritual Assembly is one of its proud co-sponsors. The centenary event―titled “Actualizing E Pluribus Unum Through ‘Race Amity and the Other Tradition’”―was attended by hundreds of participants from 46 states and several countries.

Presenters included the eminent philosopher-scholar Cornel West and the Rev. Amanda Hendler-Voss, designated senior minister of the First Congregational United Church of Christ, the site of the 1921 Race Amity Conference. Among highlights of the conference was the presentation of a short video documentary, “Roots of the Race Amity Movement,” chronicling events aimed at healing America’s racial divide that were set in motion by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá

Roots of the Race Amity Movement

A brief historical documentary about the beginnings of Race Amity

Highlights Of Centenary Interfaith Service 2021

Embracing Race Amity

Race Amity Interfaith Service - The Golden Rule - A Call To Race Amity

To learn more about the NCRA visit their site: