Quality Control

Stability/Shelf Life Test of LBamp and LBamp/ara plates.

Objective: determine the efficacy of LB amp and LBamp/ara plates if plates are kept at:

  • Room temp?
  • Fridge (+4C)?
  • Over a period of time.

This is important research because we need to know how long the plates will last. Can we pour 4 weeks before they are needed and still work? Can we pour 6 weeks, 8 weeks, 10 weeks before the Ampicillin and arabinose are no longer active.

Below are the procedures and results of the research project that Laney College students are working on.

Stability/Shelf Life Procedure

Validation of the Autoclave at Ohlone College

Validation of autoclave.pdf

Pilot Project: Products that were made

1. 560 LB Agar plates serving 275 high school students in 2 regions

2. 48 LB Agar bottles - 27 bottle sent out so far, serving 1022 students in San Mateo region