For Faculty
Instructions for Faculty
This page includes instructions for:
1. Introducing your class or club to the BioSCOPE project, including pre-assessments, photo release signature and logging hours information. All these items can be found under "manufacturing technician."
2. Student/Employee ID "How to's" - use last 4 digits of their school student ID
3. How to label Batch Records
Procedure for introducing your class or club to SCOpe
1. Introducing your class or club to the BioSCOPE project can be done by: 1) asking Ying-Tsu if she is available to come in person or going to "About" on the website to show the students the objectives of the project.
2. Pre-assessments: Students should also fill out the pre-assessments before they start the project.
3. Make sure they read and sign the photo release. Their likeness may be used in a photo or video for educational and project purposes only.
4. Logging in their hours: For every day students are working on the BioSCOPE project, they should be logging in their hours. If the projects are multi-day and take <30 minutes (eg. plate stability, it is fine to log in hours at the end of the project as bulk hours.)
5. Post-assessments: After the end of the small module or larger projects, students need to fill out the post-assessments.
Student/Employee ID:
- Each manufacturing site should have students use their school ID # or assign employee ID numbers to their students. This should correlate with your roster or another list kept by the instructor for future reference.
Batch #:
- Each manufacturing site has a manufacturing number. See below.
For batches, employee IDs and other identifying information, please use the following codes:
Manufacturing Site Codes:
01-BABEC Lab - Central Lab at CCSF Mission
02-BABEC Lab - San Mateo Region Lab
03-Laney College
04-Ohlone College
05-Skyline College
06-Solano College
07-City College of San Franciso
For student or employee IDs:
1. Students can use the last 4 digits of their School ID number (preferred)
2. match up students in your class or club with your roster list, assigning your students their employee ID with the semester, site codes and student roster #. Please make sure to "add" on to the manufacturing site sequential list if you are in an informal situation (club).
Eg. For a student Laney College with employee ID#: 03-0001