Resilient Audubon Initiative

Resilient Audubon Initiative

How do we make Audubon a more resilient neighborhood in 2022 and beyond?

This is a Call to Action!

The ANA Resilient Audubon Committee requests input and is looking for visionary volunteers who may make recommendations to address:

  • Climate Change - actions to take on greenhouse gas emissions, food systems, environmental justice, identify and acknowledge those most vulnerable in Audubon and create equitable strategies to address climate change, renewable energy, clean transportation, emergency preparedness, communication, incentivize block leaders and apartment building leaders, efficient buildings, shade tree canopies, develop partnerships, pursue grants for pilot projects

    • Emergency Preparedness for disaster response and injury, extreme weather events such as flooding or heat, crime

      • Communication - encouraging social interaction, meetings/events with neighbors, helping, talking, learning from and knowing your neighbors, volunteering, relationship with reputable sources, telling the truth, focusing on gains instead of losses, inspiring hope, encouraging youth activation and positive peer interaction, understand and acknowledge the relationships between climate change and mental health,

    • Environment, clean water, clean air, habitat for wildlife, environmental justice, parks, prevention of extreme flooding, heat

    • Food Security - accessible, culturally important, locally produced, fresh, available and affordable, equitable; stocked food shelves

    • Energy- clean, affordable, efficient, alternative to fossil fuel usage, sustainable

  • Elections - registration to vote, fair and free, ensuring that everyone that is eligible to vote in Audubon can vote

  • Awareness, Interaction and Care of Audubon's most vulnerable seniors, cost-burdened families, veterans, disabled, neighbors that are forgotten, marginalized, underrepresented, the unhoused

  • Health - Mental, emotional, and physical care, information; equitable and accessible to all Audubon residents, emergency care and resources

  • Transportation and Thoroughfares - Safe for pedestrians, bikes and other wheeled devices, public transportation that is available, accessible and affordable, protection from stormwater flooding

  • Shelter - affordable and fair housing for all in Audubon Neighborhood

  • Local Businesses that thrive and are supported by neighbors; have partnerships that cross-promote and collaborate with each other

    • Audubon Business Network includes brick and mortar establishments, co-operatives, home businesses without storefronts.

    • Audubon Farmers Market - as an opportunity for new entrepreneurs to try new ideas and receive feedback on products

    • Vacant properties maintained and quickly re-occupied

      • Grafitti Response

      • Co-operative investment in properties by Audubon owners

  • Promotion & Celebration of Art, Culture, Diversity - allow ourselves to celebrate and experience joy, happiness, hopefulness, community

  • Kids - Healthy Happy and Safe

    • Northeast Middle School - supported by the neighborhood

    • Safety - for children and families, safe streets, safe homes

Take the Resilient Audubon Priorities Survey here

Contact ANA Executive Director, Deborah Brister at 612-743-5943 or for more information