Community Resources

Community Resources

Mental Health and Substance Abuse

Hennepin County Behavioral Health Center 24/7 Drug and alcohol use evaluation; Detox (withdrawal management); Help for pregnant women with substance use concerns; In-patient and out-patient treatment; Medication-assisted treatment; Help coordinating your care; Peer support from others in recovery; Supportive housing

Energy and Water Assistance

The Minnesota Commerce Department encourages households that are struggling with utility bills to apply for the Energy Assistance Program, with up to $2,000 available to eligible households. In addition, as part of the Federal relief funding, there is assistance available for household to pay past due water bills. Households can apply for both programs through the Energy Assistance application. For more information and to find your local service provider, go to the Minnesota Energy Assistance Program webpage. There you will find links for the webpage in Spanish, Somali and Hmong as well as applications in Spanish, Somali, Hmong and Vietnamese. You can also call 1-800-657-3710 for more information.

Shelter and Housing

Help with Housing

Local News and Local Podcasts

The Northeaster

Nordeast Podcast


City of Minneapolis Snow Emergency Alerts

Neighborhood Association Documents

Audubon Neighborhood Association Bylaws (PDF)