Northeast Emergency Food Growers Network

The urgency to produce fresh fruits and vegetables at a hyper-local level has never been greater. 

Our Northeast Minneapolis neighbors (including seniors, vets, children, the disabled, those that are chronically ill, families, and individuals, who are, or who may soon become food-insecure), need reliable, nutritious, fresh produce. This is especially important at a time when resources along our entire food chain are becoming more and more precarious and expensive.

Collectively, however, we have the power to greatly improve the availability and accessibility of fresh food for our neighbors in need, even during the pandemic. The Audubon Neighborhood Association has initiated the Northeast Emergency Food Growers Network to immediately begin preparing, growing, then harvesting, collecting and finally distributing produce that is grown by residents in the Northeast community (in much the same way as our Victory Gardeners did in the past). We need you!!

How will it work? The Network will be an organized way to ensure a variety of produce will be grown with new gardeners growing easy vegetables, fruits, and herbs, and more experienced gardeners tackling more challenging produce. Gardeners select two or three varieties of produce, agree to set aside a small section of their gardens specifically dedicated for the Northeast Emergency Food Growers Network. They also agree to use organic methods for growing.

When produce is ready for harvest, a staging area will be set up for easy collection and distribution. Distribution will be handled in one of three ways: 1) through a weekly pay-what-you-can market, 2) directly to the Eastside Senior Food Shelf and other local non-profit food shelves and kitchens, and 3) through Second Harvest Heartland.

Please consider participating as a neighborhood gardener or supporter and join the Northeast Emergency Food Growers Network. You will receive a free window sticker or small yard sign signifying that you are a member of the Network. We may also have growing resources available for those that join the Network early. We need all garden skill levels! If interested in learning more, please contact Audubon administrator, Deborah Brister at 

If you would like to become part of the Northeast Emergency Food Growers Network, please click on this link: Network Database Google Form.

Contact Audubon Executive Director Deborah Brister at for more information on the Northeast Emergency Food Growers Network.