The current status?


the GLT is now deployed.  it has been pointed optically at stars and the moon.  it has detected signals in the radio wavelengths with two of the three receivers, at 86GHz and 230GHz. 

the 230GHz receiver will be used for the april event horizon telescope (EHT) experiment, so we must have it working.  the GLT as a stand-alone telescope can make images of sources on the sky.  point sources will just look like a point, but the moon is extended enough relative to the resolution of the telescope, that we will be able to make an image of the moon.  since we have 3 receivers at 3 different wavelengths, we will have three images with sharper resolution as we go to shorter wavelengths.  






(Credit: 中研院天文所 VLBI / GLT 團隊)