
Module 14: Presentation Management Technologies

What you will learn about:

  • Terminology & Functions

  • In a document labeled LASTNAME_Module14 Explain Design in terms of font, color, shape, texture, space, and form

  • Explain Design in terms of unity, harmony, balance, scale, and contrast

10 Commandments of Good Website Design

  1. Navigation - it should be simple and easy to understand. Try not to make anyone click more than 3 times to find the information they are looking for.

  2. Colors -stay away from black backgrounds and red text. Red bleeds (literally) on large screens and is hard to read. Black backgrounds are for gaming sites, not Websites! Use high contrast and complimentary colors.

  3. Scrolling - keep scrolling to a minimum. Long pages are discouraged.

  4. Graphics - read through sections dealing with Graphics. Improve Graphics - read through this section. Keep graphics and pictures small at no more than 800 x 600 pixels. The Web cannot resolve HD pictures and they take longer to load. Resize before you upload. THIS IS KEY: Keep your graphics in the same folder as your Webpages. Share the folder with the public.

  5. White space - do not over-crowd a page. Keep your white space 60% and text 40%.

  6. Scalability - try not to "hard code" in height & width of any element. Use percentages instead.

  7. Formatting - do not use crazy fonts. Use Web-based standard fonts.

  8. Simplicity - keep your website simple and clean. Do not use crazy backgrounds or animated gifs that are not appropriate.

  9. Audience - make sure you know who your audience is. Use vocabulary appropriate for the age group

  10. Edit - keep your Website up-to-date. Check for grammar and spelling.