
INSTRUCTIONS: As you are presented with new material whether it is a website, video, or presentation, you should ALWAYS summarize what you learned that day in your slides.

(2) Module 2: IT Employment Fields

In this Module, you will CHOOSE 3 Programs of Study after completing the research below:

  • (1) Research the fields in IT. Supply the URLs where you find your information.

  • (2) What type of training/certification/degree do I need?

  • (3) Look at entry-level IT jobs.

  • (4) Why Study IT Careers? Summarize the ideas in this section in your slides.

  • (5) Write a brief summary of 3 areas you might be interested in by giving your take-away of the advantages and disadvantages of each field. Explain the amount of education required, any internships required, certifications, etc.) Create a document with this information and share it with me in your PIT Folder when you are finished (Lastname_First_3_Careers). Summarize what you find on your G Slides. Email me when you are ready for me to give you comments on your document and slides.

  • When you finish this module you should have a fairly accurate idea of what your potential future plans will look like.