
Module 7: Software

What you will learn.

  • Application versus Operating System

  • OS Fundamentals, Drivers

  • File types across software products

  • Open Source versus Proprietary

  • System Management Tools

  • File Management Techniques

  • File Protection and Security

ATTENTION! After completing this module, you will be given a test over this material. Email your teacher when you are ready to take your test.

Look up each of the following and IN YOUR OWN WORDS create a definition on a document for Module 07. Name the document lastname_Module7

File Types Create a document in your Module 7 folder explaining the use of the following extensions.

File types are recognized by their EXTENSIONS. An extension may have 3 letters for a PC and 4 letters for a MAC file. Each extension follows a period. Here is an example of a Word document that is a resume. Resume_Rousseau.doc The .doc is the extension and tells the user and computer what type of application software to use in opening the file. Some applications are capable of opening multiple types of files. You may use an application more than once and some files might have multiple applications. The list below is certainly not exhaustive. Know that each software package presents you with acceptable file formats that can be used within the program or exported from the program. An example is Adobe Premier Pro. It can open an .AVI file and then export that file as an .MP4. This means that the program itself has the capability of translating a file from one format to another.

Please note that you cannot just change the name of a file's extension from .AVI to .MP4 without the program translating the formats. It's much like translating French into Spanish. You have to have a translation program to run the file through before it can be utilized.

For each of the following extensions identify the file type AND type of application software might be used to open the file. Copy this list to your document and type in the correct application(s) next to each extension.

    • doc or docx

    • htm or html

    • jpg

    • png

    • exe

    • gif

    • bat

    • bmp

    • csv

    • dll

    • jar

    • m4a

    • mov

    • mp3

    • mpg

    • msi

    • pdf

    • ppt

    • psd

    • pub

    • rtf

    • txt

    • wav

    • wma

    • xls

    • zip

Operating Systems Place a document in your Module 7 folder discussing each operating system and how it is different from other operating systems.

Slide Presentation

There are many types of operating systems each designed to run on specific types of machines. The most familiar are:

  • Microsoft Windows

  • Linus

  • macOS

  • Android

  • Unix

  • Apple IOS

  • Ubuntu

  • Chrome OS

  • MS-DOS

Do some research to explain one advantage and one disadvantage of each system. Identify each as Open Source or Proprietary.

Copy these to your slides to answer.

Drivers RESEARCH: Place a document in your Module 7 folder that discusses what you have learned about drivers. Make sure you include the URL where you get your information.

Every piece of hardware in a computer system needs some software to manage it and to communicate with the Operating System. This software is called a DRIVER. A driver controls the particular device that is attached to the computer system. As you add new devices, you will need to load the drivers. Many external devices automatically load their drivers when they are attached to the system. Additionally, the operating system that you are using will have a library of drivers already loaded for many normal devices. An example is when you attach a mouse to a laptop. That driver is usually already available in the system. If you have a unique device, you may be asked to download a driver from the vendor's site.

System Management Tools

Users are often in need of assistance with their software. They might need updates, they might have viruses, they might need drivers. The IT Department deploys System Management Tools to help monitor and manage devices on their network. Familiarize yourself with some of these Tools. This is a very short list....there are many more of these tools available. Describe these tools on your slides.

File Protection and Security

Keeping data safe is a priority in most systems. There are some rules for keeping your identity and data safe.

(1) Do not give any personal information when surfing the Internet (name, address, phone #, account passwords, etc)

(2) Do not download any software from sites that are not reputable.

(3) Make sure each site you visit is secured - HTTPS:// not HTTP://

(4) Do not click on any link sent to you in an email from someone you do not know.


Read through the Tutorial on Protection and Security: HERE We will go into much more detail on Cybersecurity in a later Module

On your slides discuss something new you learned from this Tutorial.