self defense

Self Defense

Teaches basic self defense and safety skills. 

2023-2024 school year classes: Quarters 2, & 4

Course Goal: To provide students with information, tactics, and considerations we feel to be useful for various types of aggressive encounters.  We also aim to encourage students’ sense of self-worth, self-sufficiency, and self-reliance.


     Core Activities:

Definitions of terms

Safety precautions and tips (risk reduction strategies)

Defensive mindset

Self defense and the law

Awareness, Avoidance, Defensive Resistance, Compliance, Physical Defense

Principles of defense

Principles of striking

**It is important to note that, while we believe in the goals of the course and the value of the skills you will learn, taking this course is not a guarantee for safety in all real-life applications. You will learn how to better defend yourself and, ideally, gain a greater sense of your own, personal power but staying safe will still require you to stay smart and vigilant out there!

Link to Full Course Outline:


Grading Policy
