Intro to & advanced Relaxation


Offers students an opportunity during the school day to unplug, declutter the mind, and focus on personal wellness. I take the class through several mindfulness exercises in the hopes that everyone leaves the class with at least a couple of go-to strategies and tools to use routinely. 

2023 - 2024 school year offerings:

Intro to Relaxation: Quarter 3

Advanced Relaxation: Quarters 1, 2, & 4


The Physical Education Curriculum align with the Massachusetts State Frameworks. The Physical Education classes work to address the social and academic expectations set forth in Arlington High School’s mission statement.  The specific areas addressed are:

Relaxation Objectives and Activities

Students will take a personal approach to identifying and managing stress by incorporating mindfulness techniques into their day-to-day lives (Healthy/Daily/Habit HDH). Students will: define stress - what is it, what causes it, what decreases it, what prevents it; identify personal triggers; experiment with relaxation techniques; and create a personal relaxation plan. 

Relaxation practices to be covered include, but are not limited to: 

Defining stress and triggers


Mindful breathing


Nature theory

De-stressing through hobbies



Link to Full Course Outline:


Grading Policy
