Language Development

Overview of Language Development


Language Development ensures that all CP students have access and exposure to a second language. The opportunity to learn a second language is a central tenet of an IB education and increases students' understanding of the wider world. Students are encouraged to begin or extend the study of an additional language that suits their needs, backgrounds and contexts. It develops students' oral, visual and written linguistic and communicative abilities. 


The aims of language development are to:

These aims are applicable to all students, regardless of the level of linguistic proficiency they have when they begin the CP. Language development is designed to accommodate all students and ensure they are exposed to a language other than their best language that will assist and further their understanding of the wider world.


Language development is a crucial role of an IB education; therefore, all IBCP students are required to undertake language development in which they need t to improve their language proficiency in a target language other than their best/mother tongue language. Students have 3 options to complete the language development component of the core. 

Language Portfolio

The language portfolio enables students to reflect on their learning and chart their progress in developing language skills and intercultural experiences. The language portfolio is a private document for the student to reflect on their learning. 

Language Development Guide IBCP Language Portfolio