Senior Information

College & Career Counselor:

Pamela Rhodes

College and Career Resource Counselor 

Phone: (505) 890-0334, ext. 37311
Schedule an appointment with me!

Senior Alpha Counselors:

Valerie Santacruz

11th & 12th Grades – Last names (A-G)

Phone: (505) 890-0334, ext. 37111    

Schedule an Appointment with Ms. Santacruz   

Claudia Chavez

11th & 12th Grades – Last names (H-O)

Phone: (505) 890-0334, ext. 37112

Schedule an Appointment with Ms. Chavez


11th & 12th Grades – Last Names (P-Z)

Phone: (505) 890-0334, ext. 37157

Crossroads Counselor (drug and alcohol intervention/prevention):

Monica Papp

Crossroads Counselor

Phone (505) 890-0343, ext. 37376

Schedule an Appointment with Miss M

VHS Senior Information Handout Class of 2024
Senior To Do List
College Prep Checklist (Grades 10-12).pdf

Please fill out this Senior Exit Survey from NMPED.

This is required.

All seniors need to fill this out.

Either click on the link or scan the QR code. 



Health Loan-For Service

*****Loan For Service, Requires FAFSA to Qualify*****

Allied Loan For Service

Physical therapy, occupations, speech therapy

Health care areas

Medica Loan for Service

$25,000 UNM


To increase physicians

Nursing Loan for surviving



$6,000 a year

Western Interstate Commission On Higher Education (WICHE) Loan for Servic

Out state program

Dentistery $29,250

Veterinary $34,650


Requires 3 years of taxes and students to come back to NM after completion of program

NM Higher Education Department Hotline 1-800-279-9777



Every student does need to create a Parchment account. Parchment is where a student goes to request their official transcript to sent to colleges, universities, the military or employers who requires them. You can even request enrollment verification if you need for parents insurance or to extend child support.

Parents, the student does need to create this account using their own personal email. This becomes problematic when you make one using your email. Please, sit down with your child and have them create it with their email. As of right now, when students request their transcripts it is free with their account that they create (not the parent) it is free.

Please click this link to sign up if you have not done so already.

If you have created an account. Here is the link to sign in.

If you forgot your password and need to reset. Here is the link for that.

If you are have technical difficulties or issues with your account, and need to talk to someone from parchment. Please call this number: Monday - Friday, 9am - 4pm EST,  269-349-3785

Get Schooled is your free, digital college and job advisor.

We help with

Get Accepted Guide - Updated 12.2022 (1).pdf

For the google form. Seniors, you must use your aps email. Seniors only!

College Admissions Site

Look here for a comprehensive site built by Class of 2021 Hawk Lily Burrola!