Executive Board and Class Council

ASB Open Door Guidelines

Purpose: Students, staff, or parents observing an ASB meeting participating or observing in ASB meetings. Guests visiting are not allowed to vote for official documents; however, your thoughts and opinions will be taken into account. Bring any concerns, questions, forms, or suggestions. We are here to listen and work for you

Do you want to sit-in on an ASB meeting? 

Our meetings are open-door! This means if you have a suggestion or a question or an idea, or just want to see what ASB meetings are like or listen to the discussion, you're welcome to! 

The Executive board meets every Thursday after school from 3:05-4:05. Check our meeting calender on the home page to see when our next meeting is!

ASB Open Committees

Anyone can join an ASB committee. ASB committees are formed for things like planning dances, managing the tea corner, planning and running fundraisers, and more! Click here to see the current ASB committees, and join an ASB meeting or email our committee chair (M Sul at to join a committee! 

ASB Executive Board

Feel free to reach out to any of us at any time!

Tyler Neal
ASB President

Chloe Ann Smith
Vice President

Azure Huang

Jasmin Ahluwalia

Ollie Tchervenski

MJ Pankow
Clubs and Activity Liaison

M Sul
Committee Chair

Clare Lunceford
ASB Advisor

ASB Class Council

Xander Peachey
9th Grade Rep

Ray Rieman
9th Grade Rep

Samuel Joffe
10th Grade Rep

Joaquin Candelaria
10th Grade Rep

Valen DuCharme
11th Grade Rep

Gabriel Rojo
11th Grade Rep

Reanne Nettleton Russel
12th Grade Rep

Rein Sinclair
12th Grade Rep

What does ASB do?

At most high schools, ASB is a group of students in charge of school spirit and organizing dances! 

At ILHS, we do that too, and more. We are student advocates, and bridges between families and administration. 

We're currently working on a few events for this school year: "I Can't Believe It's not Homecoming Dance" in October, "The Costume Carnival" in October, and "The Winter Mystery Masquerade Dance" in February, and the spirit days throughout this semester. We are also working on projects such as the "Project Board"

We're not only here for events though, we're in touch with the administration at our school and in the district level to bring resources and address students' concerns. We're pushing for activity buses, banners in the parking lot, better school promotion (and including students in that process), flex Wednesdays (WE GOT IT!!), and more student-led learning. 

We're here to bring your concerns to the next level and make sure they are addressed. We're here to support you in your projects, initiatives, and ideas, whether that means money funding, ideas, pointing you to the right people and resources, or anything else we can do to support you and make our school the best it can be.




This list may change or be added to throughout the year. Many goals are re-occurring or continuous and will remain here even when we have accomplished them.

When we achieve one of these goals, we point it out to celebrate team accomplishment!

Need to Get in Contact with ASB?

In general, if you need to talk to us, just talk to us! You can find us around the school or email us at for any questions, suggestions, or requests. Feel free to also email any of our personal emails listed above! 

In addition, we do have a physical anonymous drop box at school which we look through regularly. If you have something you would like us to be aware of, feel free to use that. We might also pull suggestions from that box for our student forums. This suggestion box can be from anything to event ideas or feedback to any issues you are having at school or in NSD. We are here to help.

Student forums are another great way to talk to us! We host student forums once a month on ASB planned Flex Wednesdays.

If you would like to present a big project or idea to us or you need us to approve something or if you would like to request funding for a project, we recommend taking a look at the document bellow. 

Updated May 2023! This document, also linked in the button below, is instructions on how to meet with ASB and what we'll need to know about your event/fundraiser. As always, if you're confused, just talk to us or email us at We're here to support you :)

What are Student Forums?

Student forums are planned and run by ASB. It’s our goal that every student at ILHS knows they have a voice, and their thoughts, opinions, concerns, and ideas are important and make a difference. Student forums are a place where students get to share out in a group of only students. This also gives ASB a chance to ask students about our ideas and find out how much student interest there is, how we can make the ideas better, and overall get feedback.

The format of the meeting will be based on a set of questions/discussion topics. Students will lead the discussion and someone will take notes, which ASB will use in things like decision making and future projects. There will always be time for students to bring up their own topics and discuss things that were not on the agenda.

Student Forum Notes
(Only available to view from NSD account)

Student Forums 2022-2023

ASB Positions and Responsibilities

ASB Meetings and Notes Documents

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