
General Schedule

ASB and Committe Meetings Calendar

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Flex Wednesday Activity Request Form

Do you have an activity you would like to run on a flex Wednesday, or suggest an idea? Use this google form to add your idea or email

The Wednesdays committee (contact person is Ms. Gallo) plans most Wednesdays. About once a month, ASB plans a Wednesday. 

Flex Wednesdays!

The following presentation may only be visible through an account. Scroll to the bottom for slide screenshots.

Flex Wednesdays

You get to choose how to spend your time! Club A and Club B are reserved for clubs, so be sure to join 2 different clubs and take advantage of the time!

Flex A and Flex B are the perfect opportunity to catch up on school work, complete any homework you might have (so you don't need to do it outside of school!) or work on a group project, since everyone will be in the building! If you do things like event planning, projects, personal projects, or if you want to do a deep dive of anything you're working on in class, Wednesdays are PERFECT! 

Some History...

This is something ASB has been working on and pushing for since the first year of ILHS (before it was even ASB)!! The staff listened and supported us after we presented our idea to the students and it got great feedback! After loads of paperwork and a few trial-runs, we finally got it Flex Wednesdays in September 2023!