UGS Teaching Assistantships

Teaching Assistantships (TA) are considered internships.   Student can only serve as TA for a course passed already, and the title for registration will be EDU-3530 Teaching Assistant for (course name), maximum 4 units. 

These are steps Student will follow before applying for a TA position the quarter before TA tenure begins:

1. Student must begin discussing TA possibility FIRST, with your Academic Advisor, to make sure there is room in your Degree Plan for TA units on the particular quarter you intend to TA.  

2. Afterwards student may discuss the scope of TA work with the Faculty that may be open to offer a TA position. 

These are the steps Faculty will follow for TA placements before TA tenure:

1. Faculty will use enclosed TA draft template to create one TA proposal for each TA candidate s/he/they may have.   On the proposal (s) faculty will specify the course for which TA has applied, number of hours, units, detailed learning activities involved and demonstration of learning expected at the end of the TA tenure. 

2. Faculty will discuss TA proposal (s) with each TA candidate.

3. Once Faculty and TA candidate (s) agree on scope of TA role (s), Faculty will share TA proposal (s) with Internship Program

4. Student will wait to hear from Internship Program about individualized instructions so to have their application approved.

Students- keep in mind:

Student Services office will only accept TA applications reported to them directly from the UGS Internship Program; students will be automatically registered this way. Hence on each proposal, we need the definite number of units that students is certain won't change once registered.

Upon completion of internship on week 10, internship program will expect from student copy of demonstration of learning as attachment via