Artist Statement

When creating art, I fall in love with the physical materials I'm working with. There's something about the wet sheen of oil paint or the fibery-soft tenor of wool that is already art in itself. So in creating images or sculptures, I don't try to replicate life at the expense of the medium. The goal isn't to bully the paint or felt into looking "real." Instead, I use the materials to recall life in some way- to create art that is true to the medium, while somehow taking on the textures, colors, or moods of life.

One thing I've discovered about art, especially when creating portraits, is that mood is everything. My favorite artwork has always been the kind that draws the viewer in and involves them somehow in the atmosphere of the piece. If I can create a mood in a piece of artwork, I can create a story, and as far as I'm concerned, there's nothing better than a good story.