Amerasian School In Okinawa 

In June 1998, five mothers established AmerAsian School in Okinawa (AASO) for their Japanese-American children. Since then, the school has fought for the educational rights of all AmerAsian children. Today, elementary and junior high school students can obtain a graduation diploma from Japanese public schools by attending AASO.  

Serving the AmerAsian community

As a non-profit school, AASO strives to serve the AmerAsian community by continuing to provide an affordable bilingual/bicultural education. 

Promoting balanced bilingualism

AASO has a double immersion curriculum. The core subjects are taught in Japanese and English so that students acquire academic proficiency in both languages. 

Celebrating diversity and biculturalism

AASO students are proud of who they are. They participate in diverse educational activities which celebrate their dual cultural heritage. 

*Our school is a certified NPO. You can claim donations as a deduction on your tax return.