
March Lesson 1st-6th Grade:


This month we are focusing on Kindness as our theme. We talk about how simple acts of caring can go a long way and listening to someone can be a way of showing kindness. People want to know they are being heard and when we listen we are choosing kindness. We read the book called One by Kathryn Otoshi where a group of colors find their voices and stand up for each other. I use a demonstration of what happens when we use mean words by crumpling up a paper heart. It's effective to see a visual representation on how words effect us. 

"It takes courage to be kind." -Maya Angelou

Pre-K/Kindergarten February Lesson

Learning from Casey Calm Down

This month we focus on Freddy and Fiona Friendship who reminds us that friends are kind and caring to each other.

Our mindful minute this month is looking for different colors throughout the room. 

In this lesson, we talk about cotton ball words (soft words) that we use with our friends and how sandpaper words (hard) stick to us. As kids tell the paper heart kind words, toothpaste is put on the paper heart to show our words stick. After some mean things are said, I try to scoop up the toothpaste and put it back in the tube showing that after we say mean things, it's difficult to take back the hurt even if we apologize.