
February Lesson 1st-6th Grade:

Love your S.E.L.F.I.E.

In honor of Valentines day, I figured it was a good time to show some self-care for our bodies and minds. After learning about coping skills in January, now is the time to teach about ways to help keep us healthy mentally and physically. 

SELFIE stands for 

S- Sleep: Students from 6-12 years of age need about 9-12 hours of sleep a night.

E- Exercise: Children should be getting about 60 minutes of exercise every day. It doesn't have to be all at the same time. Recess times, walk home, etc count as that time. 

L- Light: Sunlight is a great way to improve mood and gain vitamin D. On the other hand, screen lights affect our sleep negatively if we are using too much of it particularly around bed time. Try being off your phone 30 minutes before bed. 

F- Fun: Having fun is important for students. Laughing and having fun has many positive benefits to the brain and body.

I- Interaction: Kids need social interaction in order to gain friends and to connect better with themselves and others. 

E- Eating: Eating a healthy diet of various foods helps give us the vitamins and minerals we need. Children are continously growing and their bodies need a lot of foods that are rich in nutrients. 

Pre-K/Kindergarten February Lesson

Learning from Casey Calm Down

This month we focus on Casey Calm down who reminds us that we know skills that help us stay in control.

Our mindful minute this month is some light stretches. 

We explore different activities that keep our brains calm and help us stay in control of our bodies and emotions. We use play doh, fidgets, a cube with different movemtns on it, a game of pick up sticks, and rubiks cubes. It's good to try different activities to see what works for us and what can be a good coping skill for having high emotions.