
January Classroom Lesson 1st-6th Grade

Growth Mindset/Coping Skills

Happy Holidays to all! Coming back from break can be extremely difficult for the students so I thought it was fitting to help teach students about what a Growth Mindset is. 

Growth mindset allows us to keep an open mind to learning whether it's when we make mistakes or when situations become difficult. Having a fixed mindset stops us in our tracks and can be hard to get out of the older we get. Teaching the students to have positive self talk when experiencing difficult situations creates resiliency which helps them bounce back when things get tough. 

Along with learning about these mindsets, we have to learn coping skills that help keeps us regulated when we face difficult circumstances. Being able to cope, benefits us in keeping an open mind and helps us understand that every mistake can be a learning opportunity. Humans aren't perfect so we can't expect our kids to be. 

Pre-K/Kindergarten January Lesson

Learning Self Control

The kiddos will be reading : Out of Control Rhino an Impulse Control Story by Shoshana Stopek

An impulse is acting without thinking. The kids will have a chance to discuss some of the ways that they relate to the Rhino in the story during the lesson. We will then learn a little phrase we can say to ourselves to help with self regulation:

Before you act, 

Stop and think.

Take a deep breath, 

and finish with a wink.