We have an organizational medical insurance policy that covers anyone who is under the age of 80 and volunteering outside of their country of residence, in the event of any injury or illness while on our program. This includes medical evacuation in the unlikely event of a serious incident.  This does not cover routine medication or treatment. If you have any questions about our insurance policy, please do not hesitate to ask and we will be happy to help.

Medical insurance is only available to volunteers who are volunteering with All Hands and Hearts outside of their country of residence. 

Please note that If you are volunteering within your country of residence, you should have a health insurance plan that covers you for:

·        Medical emergency care

·        Medical emergency evacuation

·       Medical treatment in the event of injury or illness, specifically whilst undertaking construction work

·        Access to replacement prescriptions and medications

·        COVID related expenses

·        Cover for non-emergency medical conditions, including diagnosis and treatment

·        Access to funds to cover any costs until you can claim back from your insurance provider

If your insurance does not provide this cover then we will do all we can to get you any level of care, but you will be liable for any costs incurred. If you are incapacitated and need urgent medical care, All Hands and Hearts will cover immediate costs, which will need to be reimbursed from your insurance policy. 

To ensure you’re covered in the event of an emergency, we ask that you share your insurance details with your emergency contact. We also recommend you bring a copy of your insurance details with you for us to keep on file.


We have provided answers to some frequently asked questions to help you understand our policy should this apply to you. Click here to view our Health Insurance FAQs:

When am I covered under the AHAH insurance policy? You are covered once you arrive at the base and have filled in your paperwork.

Does it cover me if I lose or break my phone? The policy only covers you in the event of an illness or injury. It does not cover any loss or damage to personal items under any circumstances.

What if I injure myself and need to be evacuated, am I covered? Yes. The safety and wellbeing of our volunteers is a priority. For this reason, our medical insurance policy includes medical evacuation to the closest hospital in the unlikely event of a serious illness or injury.

What if I get sick and need treatment, am I covered? Yes. Our medical insurance provides cover for all illnesses, this includes treatment and medical evacuation if required. 

Does this cover routine medication or treatment? No. Our Travel Insurance covers accident and emergency only.

How long am I covered for? The policy covers you while on program. 

Am I covered whilst I'm on break? The insurance will cover you while you’re on your allotted break; however, it will not cover you if you are traveling after you leave the project.

Who do I contact if I need hospital treatment while on the program? Speak to the Program Director and they will start the process of implementing our insurance policy where needed.

Will I need to pay for my treatment myself? If you receive medical treatment at a facility that doesn’t have an agreement with our insurance provider, you may have to pay for care upfront and will have to submit a claim online for reimbursement. 

For more information please review the OnCall Full Program Description or OnCall Information and reach out to with any questions.