Coping Skills Toolbox

Coping Skills:

Things you think, say and do to help you deal with difficult feelings and situations.

Monte Bella Copy of *Feelings Tool-Book by WholeHearted School Counseling

My Feelings Toolbook

Clink on the arrow in the top right corner of the document. This will allow you to open the document in another tab. Review the feelings and click on the feeling you are experiencing the most. When you click, you will open another document with information on how to help you deal with that feeling.

  • It will guide you to identify what is making you feel that way, this is called a trigger.

  • It give you ideas of strength statements or as we have called them affirmations.

  • It will help you notice the body cues; these are sensations you feel in your body like your heart beating fast.

  • It also lists other possible feelings you might be experiencing.

  • Lastly, you can create an Action Plan, where you will choose the coping skills that work the best for you and that you commit to practicing.

Mindfull Breathing

Paying close attention to your breath.

Growth Mindset

The belief that your intelligence and abilities can improve with time and effort.