Counseling Services

AUSD Counselors are committed to supporting ALL AUSD Students

Like academic services, counseling services are also provided/structured in a Tiered System, in order to ensure that all students get the necessary supports they need in order to be successful in school and in life.

Tier 1: ALL AUSD Students: These are supports that all of our students are eligible for. These services ensure that all of our students are receiving the social emotional learning they deserve.

Tier 2: is for SOME Students: These are supports for students that need additional support in managing their emotions and relationships with themselves and others. They also target more specific behaviors that the student may be challenged with.

Tier 3: is for a FEW students. These are supports that only a FEW Students would need after not having achieve success with Tier 1 & Tier 2 Services. These services are much more individualized to the student, so that they are able to understand and implement the SEL skills taught through Tier 1 & 2 Services.

Tiered Services Pyramid