Monthly Counseling Department Parent Newsletters

August 2021 Newsletter

Hello Monte Bella Parents/Caregivers. This newsletter focuses on the importance of school attendance and provides families with tips on how to ensure our children’s academic and social emotional success. Please take a moment to read the newsletter and have a conversation with your students regarding these matters. I look forward to our work together to ensure a successful school year.

August 2021- English Parent Newsletter.pdf
English May Newsletter 2021 copy.pdf

May 2021 Newsletter

Hello Monte Bella Parents/Caregivers. This is our final parent newsletter for the 2020-2021 school year. What a year this has been! This month's newsletter invites us to reflect on your now ending school year and provides us with information about teaching our children to have healthy goodbyes. In this newsletter you will find tips on how to support your child in saying goodbye to their current teacher and friends. In addition, we have include activities and resources of agencies that can help us remain connected to one another during the summer break. I want to wish all of you a fun, safe, and healthy summer break. We will see you all again in the fall!

April 2021 Newsletter

Hello Monte Bella Parents/Caregivers. This month's parent newsletter is focused on School Reopening. We understand that changes come accompanied with different emotions and school reopenings can create a lot of excitement, but nervousness as well. In the newsletter, we cover tips on how to support ourselves and our children with schools reopening and the possibility of them returning to in person learning. Please take some time to read through the newsletter and begin these conversations with your children. If you are in need of any additional support, please do not hesitate to contact us at school. I look forward to see you all soon!

English April Newsletter 2021_ Returning to School copy.pdf
Self-esteem Newsletter-Eng.PDF

March 2021 Newsletter

Hello Monte Bella Parents/Caregivers. This month's newsletter is focused on self-esteem. In this newsletter we discuss what self-esteem is and the effects that it can have on our children's learning and emotions. We have also included strategies to promote and increased positive self-esteem among our children. Please join me in reading this newsletter and continue the practice of these strategies at home. Thank you for your support and please remember that I am here to support, so please do not hesitate to reach out.

February 2021 Newsletter

Hello Monte Bella Parents/Caregivers. This month's parent newsletter is focused on the parent-child relationship. In this newsletter you will be reminded of the importance of establishing a healthy and loving relationship with our children. The newsletter will also provide you with tips on how to strengthen the relationships we already have with our children and give you ideas on activities that can foster a strong parent-child relationship. I encourage you take a moment to read this newsletter and continue to practice these strategies at home.

February Newsletter- Relationship copy.pdf
English Parent Newsletter Jan 2021 (1).pdf

January 2021 Newsletter

Hello Monte Bella Parents/Caregivers. This month's newsletter is focused on the importance of the parent-teacher relationship. In this newsletter, you will find information about why it is important to have a positive relationship with your child's teacher. In addition, you will learn about the positive academic and social emotional outcomes, that positive parent-teacher relationships have on our children. Please take your time to read the letter and begin building these relationships.

December 2020 Newsletter

Hello Monte Bella Parents/Caregivers. This month's parent newsletter invites you to reflect on the year that is soon to leave us. Take some time to reflect on the challenges and rejoice on all of your accomplishments. In the newsletter, you will also find a variety of activities that you can engage in as a family, during this winter break. Finally, you will see a list of community providers that will be ready to assist you, should you need support during the break. Thank you in advance in for your time and support. Have a great winter break!

December Parent Newsletter-English.pdf
English-November Parent Newsletter.pdf

November 2020 Newsletter

Hello Monte Bella Parents/Caregivers. This month's newsletter is focused on gratitude. You will find information regarding how practicing gratitude can help your child improve their thoughts, feelings, and actions. I invite you to continue practicing these teachings at home. Please take a moment to review the newsletter and have a conversation with your students. If you have any questions or need help, please don't hesitate to call me. Have a happy thanksgiving break.

October 2020 Newsletter

Hello Monte Bella Parents/Caregivers. This month's parent newsletter is focused on unity. In this newsletter you will find information about four character traits can help children build on positive social-emotional skills in addressing situations in which they believe they are not being respected. You will also obtain information regarding the different types of bullying and how to support our children if they ever encounter themselves in a bullying situation. I encourage you to take time to read the newsletter and have a conversation with your child about these topics.

October Newsletter-English.pdf
September Parent Newsletter- English.pdf

September 2020 Newsletter

Hello Monte Bella Parents/Caregivers. This month's newsletter is focused on Problem Solving & Growth Mindset. It reviews the importance of identifying the size of the problem, so that our reactions can be appropriate. It also encourages us as parents, to promote growth mindset to support out students in their learning. The information on the newsletter is information that your student is also learning in his SEL lessons at school. Please take a moment to read the newsletter and have a conversation with your student regarding growth mindset. Thank you in advance for your time and support.

August 2020 Newsletter

Hello Monte Bella Parents/Caregivers. Welcome back to another school year! This month's parent newsletter is focused on school attendance. Please take some time to review the newsletter to learn about the importance of your child attending class everyday. Also learn about what you can expect after three day absences and how we are all her to support you. Thank you for your time and I am looking forward to a wonderful academic school year! Goooooo Scholars!

Attendance Newsletter English & Spanishpdf.pdf
SEL Reflection Book Flyer.pdf

May 2020 Newsletter

Hello, Monte Bella Parents/Caregivers. This month's newsletter is focused on Reflection. In this newsletter we have embedded a link to the 2019-2020 Monte Bella Social Emotional Learning Book that was shared with your student. Consider taking this time to reflect on all the learning and growing we have done as a school community. I encourage you to read the book with your child and engage in the fun summer activities suggested by our school counseling team. Thank you for a wonderful year and I wish you all a fun and safe summer.

March/April 2020 Newsletter

Hello, Monte Bella Parents/Caregivers. This month's parent newsletter is focused on Schedules/Routines. As we are undergoing so many changes with school being remotely, we encourage you to continue to implement routines, as a way to support your children through this transitions. Routines & Schedules have great academic and social emotional outcomes. Please take a moment to read the newsletter and begin to implement some of these practices at home. Remember I am here to help, so please feel free to reach out to me if you need any support. We are ALL in this together!

English Routine Recipe Flyer- Google Docs.pdf

February 2020 Newsletter

January 2020 Newsletter

Hello, Monte Bella Parents/Caregivers. This month's parent newsletter is focused on Growth Mindset. Growth Mindset is the The belief that you can learn new things when you work hard; even if something is difficult, you keep trying. I encourage you to take some time to read the newsletter and practice the parent activities that are recommended by our counseling team.

English Jan Newsletter- Growth Mindset.pdf
Kindenss Newsletter.pdf

November/ December 2019 Newsletter

Hello, Monte Bella Parents/Caregivers. This month's newsletter is focused on Kindness. In the newsletter we discuss the importance of being kind to others and also give you suggestions for activities that encourage our children to practice kindness. Please take some time to read the newsletter and continue to promote kindness at home.

October 2019 Newsletter

Hello, Monte Bella Parents/Caregivers. October is National Bullying Prevention Month and as a result we are focusing our newsletter on Bullying Prevention. Please take some time to read over the newsletter and have a conversation with your child about the importance of being an upstander if they ever do witness a bullying situation. Also remind them of our Monte Bella Scholar Rules: "If you see bullying, you must tell an adult at home and an adult at school."

Bullying Prevention Newsletter.pdf
Attendance Matters-Newsletter-Eng.PDF. (1).pdf

August/September 2019 Newsletter

Hello, Monte Bella Parents/Caregivers. This month's newsletter is focused on Attendance. As we begin a new school year, I want to remind you that Attendance is VERY IMPORTANT, not only in our child's academic growth, but also in their social emotional skills. I encourage you to read through the letter and have a conversation with your students about the importance of being in school on time everyday.