Aldo Leopold Charter School

Reflected in the Eye

High school students began the visual art semester with getting to know the amazing artist, M.C. Escher. We focused on Escher's Eye, drawn with graphite in 1946, which includes in erie reflection of a skull.

After the students were given a tutorial on drawing pencils, such as the difference between B and H pencils and their uses, we learned about the basic structure of drawing an eye.

Once the proportions and shading of the human eye were mastered, the students began to develop an idea for the added surrealist twist, the reflection. The reflection makes the viewer pause and wonder the true meaning of the artist's creative intension.

Rachel Gulick

10th grade

Phini Khera

10th grade

Cedar Markham

9th grade

Sarah Lynn

12th grade

Olivia Medina

10th grade

Maya Reeves

9th grade

Ariel Hanson

10th grade

Angelica Sosya

11th grade

Emily Riggs

9th grade

Willow Sprague- Robinson

9th grade

Trinity Martinez-Muniz

10th grade

Minnie Metcalfe

10th grade

Siobhan Pyper

9th grade

Adam Senter

9th grade

Meliani Diaz- Urbina

9th grade

Phoenix Hogan

10th grade

Makiah Granadino

9th grade

Allen Trujillo

10th grade