Aldo Leopold Charter School

Inked Hybrids

High school students were able to master the beloved art medium of Micron pens for their second project of the semester. Each high school student received a pack of Micron pens, which included a variety of tip sizes. Each sized pen has a different purpose when inking a drawing.

The students then experience an assortment of inking techniques with the pens, such as stippling, hatching, and cross-hatching. All of these skills were then applied to their fascinating and unique hybrid creations. Can you determine which two creatures these artists mixed?

Emily Riggs

9th grade

Olivia Medina

10th grade

Sarah Lynn

12th grade

Maya Reeves

9th grade

Rachel Gulick

11th grade

Phini Khera

10th grade

Makiah Granadino

9th grade

Adam Senter

9th grade

Willow Sprague-Robinson

9th grade

Cedar Markham

9th grade

Siobhan Pyper

9th grade

Minnie Metcalfe

10th grade

Ariel Hanson

10th grade

Meliani Diaz- Urbina

9th grade

Angelica Sosya

11th grade

Phoenix Hogan

10th grade