Death and Dying

This is where you can find information about what support and resources are available in the Sangha for approaching and experiencing dying and bereavement.

There's More to Dying than Death - a Buddhist perspective

Listen to Lama Shenpen introducing the course.

Next study course on this book, January 2024. This book study is also set up as self study or in local groups. 

There’s More to Dying Than Death draws on the Tibetan Buddhist tradition of positively preparing for death throughout one’s life. Lama Shenpen Hookham offers Westerners like herself a warm, readable and heartfelt exposition on the issues that surround death and caring for the dying.

'I want all my students to read my book. I suggest you read it as soon as possible since death comes without warning, and you need you prepare yourself.  Also reflection on death is always a good way to get perspective on the preciousness of life,  I  suggest you read it at least once annually. A good time for that is around the Buddha's  Enlightenment celebration in May when we have the annual Sangha celebration here at the Hermitage.' 

Please  look at the courses page on the AHS site to find out when the next study for Lama's book is. 

Order Lama Shenpen's book ISBN 1899579680

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