COVID-19 Protocol

The below protocols are based on the following:

-Alameda County Public Health Department COVID Site


In order to attend Legacy classes at the AHC office, you will need to carefully review this policy.


After arrival to 101 Myrtle St, please follow these steps:

  1. Confirm mentally that you will stay 6-feet apart from all persons encountered.

  2. Check that your mask is secured, covering your nose and mouth.

*If you are wearing double masks, ensure that both masks cover your nose and mouth.

* Finely woven layered masks such as N95 masks are the most effective in protecting against infection.

  1. The AHC office space is on the second level of the building. There are two options to access it:

    1. If open, enter through the Civicorps entrance and walk down the hall till you see the staircase through the door on your left. Walk through the door (making sure to close it behind you) and head up the stairs. This will take you to the front entrance of AHC.

    2. At the double glass doors at 111 Myrtle, wait for an AHC staff member to come get you. There are staircases to the right of the mail boxes and an elevator for accessibility needs. Make your way to the second floor and turn right where you will see an unlocked door. Walk through and you will be in the back hallway. At the beginning of the hallway on your left is the back entrance to AHC. If you go to the end of the hall and open the door on your left, you will reach the front entrance of AHC.

  2. Sanitize your hands at the staff sign-in table, located at the front entrance.

  3. Navigate to the Legacy check-in table in front of the classroom. Wait for Anita or another AHC staff member to take your temperature and conduct the COVID diagnostic survey.

  4. When directed, proceed to the classroom area.


  1. Avoid close contact and proximity with individuals, especially those expressing symptoms of sickness.

  2. Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth.

  3. Stay home if you are not feeling well.

  4. Practice good hygiene - for example, cover coughs and sneezes with tissues, properly dispose of them, and sanitize your hands afterwards.

  5. Disinfect hands regularly with alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

  6. Wash hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

  7. Clean and disinfect frequently-handled objects and surfaces.

  8. Be judicious about attending public gatherings.

  9. Be aware of current official COVID-19 advisories and use good judgement.


There is one bathroom in the office available for staff and students. The bathroom is cleaned weekly, but we ask that you maintain cleanliness (i.e. throw trash away properly, wipe down wet counters), stay mindful of the surfaces you touch, and sanitize your hands regularly.


Legacy students are offered snacks and beverages during class time, which may be found on the counter, in cabinets, or in the fridge. AHC prioritizes public health safety and will primarily provide individually packaged items. However, we also acknowledge the plastic waste produced by this method and may also provide shareable items. We ask that you wash your hands before handling shared food. If using office utensils or dishes, wash them thoroughly with soap and warm water after each use. There is a designated drying mat next to the sink.